Subject: Re: Hardware questions
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/26/2001 23:50:58
>> This turns out to have been flaky memory on my part.
> Ah, you undoubtedly need to add *PARITY*!  :>

I'll have to get on my parents' case about getting neurons from
corner-cutting suppliers....

>>> As an aside, is there any dmesg(8) sort of way of getting at the
>>> prom monitor's signon banner?
>> Not AFAIK.
> Bummer.  I woul dreally like to stop depending on this damn monitor!
> Too bulky to be lugging it in and out of storage each time I need to
> talk to the rom monitor...

Serial console...
Serial console...
Serial console...

Just unplug the keyboard and hook your favorite ascii terminal or
emulation thereof to serial port A, 9600 8n1.

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