Subject: Porting code
To: Port-SPARC <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/27/2001 00:49:18
Greetings and Machinations!
     What sort of "procedure" (legalese-wise) should I
follow for porting *licensed* third party software?
I.e. I own a source license to the software in question
and *imagined* my "port" (package?) would just
consist of a set of patches/files against those sources.
I.e. if you don't have a source license, the files/patches
are useless to you.
     But, it occurs to me that this may be treading on
thin ice w.r.t. the actual terms of the license.  I.e.
does my publication of *context* diffs constitute
publishing some portion of the sources?  Likewise, if
I create a file (an original work) needed to glue parts
of the program to the NBSD environment, does the publication
of that *interface* in itself constitute a violation of the

    Of course, I suspect the actual license needs to be 
consulted to know for sure.  I was just curious if anyone
else had tackled a similar issue and could shed light on
how best to pursue it.
