Subject: Re: Ultra 1 Performance
To: None <>
From: Tim =?ISO-8859-1?Q?B=F8rresen?= <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/15/2001 15:37:31
Brian Hechinger wrote:

> you should notice almost no difference between the ultra5/10 since they are
> pretty much the same machine but in different cases.  i honestly don't like
> the ultra5/10 since i think the IDE disk performance is dreadful.  a
> combination of IDE being dreadful and i hear the sun's IDE drivers aren't
> exactly up to snuff.  so the Ultra 1 being SCSI wins major points with me.
> now you are going to be using a CPU that is less than half the speed of the
> CPU on the ultra 10 that you used, but as we all know, that's not the most
> important thing. ;)
> i'd recommend an Ultra 1/170E and a Creator of some sorts.  should be fast
> enough to make you quite happy, and you should be able to pick one up for
> less than $200 or so.
>>Thanks for any buying tips you may provide,
> buy a SunBlade-1000, how's that for a tip?  :)
> -brian

Would like one of those to ;o).
Sereously how about an Ultra 30 ? It's a PCI & SCSI system and available 
at eBay at aprox. the same prices as a U-10.

NetBSD isn't quite ready for the U-30 yet, but Open works fine for 
starters and you could participate in the develpement of Net for the box
