Subject: Re: "make release" works on sparc64 for cross.
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/23/2002 14:09:44
> i've investigated making [cross-builds] also work for sparc, but
> there is a stumbling block.  installboot wants the path of
> /filesystem/boot so it can get block numbers to load...  this is a
> problem for working on a bare filesystem image.

Why?  I don't see any problem merely from what you've described.  At
worst you need to walk the filesystem to get the inumber of /boot (or
wherever it's been put), and since you're already grubbing around in
the filesystem to look up its block list, that's pretty easy.  If you
want, I can send you a program that takes a filesystem image and a path
and walks the path to the inode.

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