Subject: Re: Need an ethernet board...
To: Michael J. Miller Jr. <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/02/2002 03:39:56
On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Michael J. Miller Jr. wrote:

> > Pardon my asking, but what does this accomplish? Why not just smash the
> > hard drive? Doesn't make sense...
> If you're an automaker, you don't want cheap units entering the market.  It
> undercuts your business.   If you're sun, you don't want to limit the market
> on used equipment as much as you can since it has the potential to impact the
> sale of new units. So once you've finished depreciating your equipment you
> destroy it.
> I know sun also used to sell some of their used systems in the late
> 80's.  I actually bought a couple of Sun 3 type systems from them.  A
> 3/75 and a 3/110.  Both were very nice systems for the time, and I believe
> the 3/110 had a ... P4?  CG6 video card.  I later installed the video
> card in a 4/110 I picked up some place.  That was a neat system as well,
> though the faster 68020 based systems seemed to perform better.  I think
> it had a 14.77MHz original Sparc CPU in it.

Times have changed I guess. Even IBM is selling used equipment online
these days.


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