Subject: Re: multi processor
To: None <>
From: Jon Buller <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/07/2002 22:44:48
In message <>, Rick Kelly writes:
> der Mouse said:
> >Sounds like a good idea to me. ...and then post here "I've got these
> >SS20s to get rid of..." :->
> Yeah, and I've got a truck. :-)
> Short Shameful Confession: I came very close to buying a skid of LX boxes
> the other day. No guarantee.
Hey, I've got one of those and it works great for Mozilla. 8^) (Only
5 minutes to start up, and 30 seconds from a click to the erase of
the content area preping for the next page.)
Ask me about playing games/abuse and games/doom on a pc532 over a
38400 baud PPP link to the LX sometime. 8^) (It actually did work,
if you could wait the 15 minutes for the next frame.)