Subject: Re: Sun console fonts
To: Andy Ball <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/25/2002 22:55:35
The text area of a Sun Console (unless you use RASTERCONSOLE) is
1024x768 pixels; the font in question is a 12x22 font called "gallant".
It looks suspiciously almost like a monospaced palatino, and it's what
Sun used to have on all their equipment before the sun4m line was
released and they went italic. :).  It fits in 80x34

I think RASTERCONSOLE allows for a "fixed" font at 3x5 or 6x8.

If I get really bored and put a head back on my sun, I might do the
10-point sun-serif font for the console which would give probably 192x76
or something like that.

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Andy Ball wrote:

# There's been some discussion about console fonts for the SLC and ELC
# (it may also apply to other Sun frame buffers, I don't know).
# Blake Matheny's SLC page lists these       1152 x  900   61.8kHz  66Hz
# "sync frequencies for the onboard frame    1152 x  900   71.7kHz  76Hz
# buffer".  Does the built-in monitor        1024 x  800   71.7kHz  85Hz
# support all of these screen modes?         1022 x 1000   81.8kHz  76Hz
# Can anyone offer any insight as to what the visible diagonal would be
# on the monitor in whichever modes are supported?  I've seen them
# described as having a 17" monitor, which I'm guessing puts the picture
# at something like 16".  Although fonts won't be critical for me (I'm
# not planning to do DTP on one), it might effect my choice of console
# font.
# Here's an example of my thinking...
#   1024 x 768 @ 80 DPI is 12.8"x9.6" and 16" visible diagonal.
#   12.8" x 10 CPI is 128 columns (8 pixel wide characters)
#    9.6" x  5 LPI is  48 rows   (16 pixel high characters)
# ...ah well, none of the above modes fit that comfortably, although
# 1024 x 800 @ 80 DPI is just under 16.25" visible diagonal, and 85Hz
# refresh would be nice. Come to think of it, that works out at 50 rows.
# Regards,
#   - Andy Ball                               ...anyone still awake? ;-)

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