, Brad Knowles <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
From: Brad Knowles <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/12/2002 13:16:44
At 11:56 AM +0100 2002/04/12, David Brownlee wrote:
> It will default to DESTDIR of '/', which is really not what
> you want with -d (-d makes the full distrib including /etc).
> Run ./build.sh with -h for details.
> As Manuel suggested you can skip the '-R $RELEASEDIR' and
> build a kernel by hand instead.
> So.. no :)
Ahh, okay. This is very important information which I
(obviously) was not previously aware of.
So, does "destdir" and "releasedir" need to be on the same
filesystem as /usr/src, and/or /usr, and do you have any idea how
much disk space is required?
> The 'build from any box' is a very recent change - post 1.5.
It is a very cool feature, for those sites who have multiple
machines with more than one platform. I'm sure that, in the future,
I will appreciate very much having this capability.
> The new way is a _big_ improvement. It means the build mechanism
> is the same on any box, even the target host :)
Indeed, it's nice to have things standardized. The problem I'm
having is that the current documentation I've read seems to be aimed
at this general situation, and doesn't seem to have specifics on how
to handle things if you have a simpler configuration. So, I'm
getting lost in all the additional information, and I'm not sure what
it is I'm missing.
> 'BUILDING' contains all the in depth information, Manuel and I
> have suggested some quick options :)
I have read that file, and I'm sure that I will appreciate having
all that detail available to me in the future.
However, in the short-term, I was hoping to get something akin to
"./configure; make; make install" set of simple steps to follow, and
the things I've received from you and Manuel go a long way towards
this goal. I suspect that I should be able to figure out the rest,
although I do still have a few outstanding questions.
Thanks again!
Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.