Subject: Re: Upgrading from 1.5.2 to -current?
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brad Knowles <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/22/2002 11:56:16
At 7:46 PM -0400 2002/04/21, Geoff Adams wrote:

>  While I understand your frustration, and I'm sorry that you've had
>  these difficulties, I do have to ask: Since you presumably posted
>  on this list for help, and two of us offered you this same advice,
>  have you actually tried simply 'cd'ing into the src directory?

	Problem is, I've been given a lot of advice by a lot of different 
people, and so far not a whole lot of it has worked.  At this point, 
I want to confirm advice and try to actually understand what is 
happening and why (and if the documentation is wrong, why it is 
wrong), before I attempt to do much else.

	I hope you will understand if I now choose to take a "thrice shy" 
approach to solving this problem.

Brad Knowles, <>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.