Subject: Re: SparcStation ipx versus Sparc Classic
To: None <>
From: Thilo Manske <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/01/2002 17:11:50
On Wed, May 01 2002 at 16:22:32 +0200, Young, Julian wrote:
> I have the posiblity of obtaing a SparcStation ipx (hopefully for a song)
> can any one give me a quick comparison on this machine compaired to a
> SparcClasic.
Here's a short comparison of a Classic vs an IPX

CPU:		Higher clockrate (50 vs 40MHz)
		v8 vs v7 architecture (does multiply in hardware, but with NetBSD
		you needs special optimized code to use that (-mv8))
		Smaller caches (4k/2K I/D internal vs 64k external)
		more hardware contexts (64 instead of 8)
		floating point unit is /slightly/ slower
Memory: 	higher memory bandwith (at least 40% if not >100% I'd say...)
		higher maximal memory capacity (96 vs 64MB)
Bus:		faster sbus (25 vs 20Mhz)
SCSI:		faster host bus adaptor
		(esp200 @ 40Mhz/fast SCSI vs esp100 @ 25Mhz/SCSI)
Graphics:	slower/less capable on board graphcis (cgthree instead of cgsix)
Audio:		the same, but different connector
Lan:		same but with an additional twisted pair connector
		uses a hard to find 26 pin mini-D-Sub connector for AUI
Other:		has a parallel port
		Auto power off and keyboard power on (with type 5 keyboard)
		(unlike the SS4 the Classic will automagically start up again
		after power outages)

And the most important thing:
		The case looks cooler!
		(It has the "sun pits" on the lower half of the front)

Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.