Subject: JavaStation
To: None <>
From: KiDDiE.Ox <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/26/2002 22:18:37
I have just recieved a JavaStation which I am trying to get working :)
Right heres the problem

The JavaStation (marie) has OpenBoot 2.30 on it, and 64MB memory

I am trying to remote boot off reknaw, a Slackware 8 box.

I have setup rarpd so that marie gets assigned an ip address. *fine*
I have setup and ran rpc.bootparamd -d. Nothing actually asks bootparam
for anything though *dodgy*
I have setup nfs to export the filesystem but it doesn't get that far.
I have setup tftpd. In /tftpboot, there is, which has a mask of
0755, and it is symlinked to HHHHHHHH.SUN4M. I got out of

This is the kernel log i get when trying to boot marie:

May 26 22:12:08 reknaw in.tftpd[564]: connect from
May 26 22:12:08 reknaw tftpd[565]: tftpd: trying to get file:
May 26 22:12:08 reknaw tftpd[565]: tftpd: serving file from /tftpboot 

Here is where the fun starts :)
marie says after the "Ethernet address " line

The file just loaded does not appear to be executable.
ok <cursor>

and hangs there

I also can't type on it with a PS2 keyboard, and I don't have a serial

btw I am trying to run NetBSD 1.5.2 on it :)

Any help would be appreciated

John Oxley

ASCII stupid question, get a EBCDIC ANSI.
John Oxley
RUCUS Secretary