Subject: Re: pkgsrc and tcsh
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/26/2002 18:19:56
>> But stirring it in with a directory from the base system, that way
>> lies madness at OS upgrade time.
> Madness? This is pretty trivial, even on dozens of machines.
>> Or at least so I've found. If you can deal with it - perhaps you
>> have fewer addons than I do, or perhaps you don't upgrade, or
>> perhaps you just have a better head for such things that I - more
>> power to you.
> I've always thought you were smart enough to track one program in
> /bin man... :)
The problem isn't one program in /bin. The problem is that once you
let yourself install one program in one OS-managed directory, there's
much less reason not to make it two, then three, and before you know it
you can't tell what's what any more. That's why I said "that way lies
madness", not "that is madness".
I avoid sliding down that slippery slope by refusing to start.
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