Subject: Re: pkgsrc and tcsh
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/28/2002 04:54:53
> It's not uncommon for me to have /usr/pkg not mounted, and I need the
> shell, so it's in /bin.  I can't think of another way to handle that.

The simplest answer that comes to mind is to put it in some other
directory that's on the root filesystem.  I've seen /lbin and /localbin
used; I'm sure any of us can imagine lots of other alternatives.

Personally, I just live with /bin/sh and "set -o emacs".  It gives me
enough of what I want in a shell for me to live with when working
single-user.  (Actually, most of my machines have only one filesystem,
so my shell _is_ there.  Even if not, when the reason isn't filesystem
goop, I've been known to fsck and mount the relevant filesystems and
use my shell.)

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