Subject: Re: pkgsrc and tcsh
To: None <>
From: Charles Shannon Hendrix <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/29/2002 19:08:24
On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 09:16:26AM +0200, Bernd Sieker wrote:
> It could also be in your $HOME. I can think of other ways to handle
> it.
Or it could be in /bin, where it belongs... ;) Besides, $HOME for root
is often /root, and I might not want binaries stored there when there
is a perfectly good /bin directory.
Sorry, I think shells should go there. However, note that I never
suggested that pkgsrc should put them there.
> In earlier installations I sometimes had a statically linked tcsh in
> /bin, but I agree with "der Mouse" that we should not start anything
> like that.
As an official part of the packages, of course not. But it should be,
and is, an option. Most other software I don't really care about,
just tcsh, mainly because I don't like csh.
The only other major change I make to package layout is data directories,
because I don't like putting that in /usr/pkg. Ideally, speaking for
myself, I want /usr on down to be relatively static.
> This clear distinction has already been mingled with the default
> X11BASE, which is the same directory of the X11 core installation,
> which some might regard as part of the core installation, since
> sysinst allows to install it. I am thinking about setting X11BASE to
> something else to have a sharp line there, too.
I have mixed feelings about X11. On the one hand, having specific
core-setup is nice. However, I don't like having X binaries scattered.
I also don't like a package system being used an excuse for scattering
things like this for the reason: "don't worry about it, the package
database will keep track of it all".