Subject: Re: Use of HD15 VGA to 13W3 Monitor Cables ?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/14/2002 11:22:59
> I came across this and got to wondering if these are intended for
> using Sun monitors on a PC. Is it and, if so, is it safe to do with
> typical PCI SVGA video cards?
More likely intended to use Sun machines with peecee monitors. As I
think someone already mentioned, many (most?) Sun monitors are not
wide-range multisync (some are not multisync at all) and won't deal
well, if at all, with the range of frequencies generated by your
typical peecee video hardware.
I'm using one right now. As I type this, the monitor in front of me is
a peecee monitor with HD15 input, connected to a SPARCstation LX. with
a 13W3-to-HD15 adapter cable.
Beware a gotcha, though. I found that it worked with a cgsix SBus card
but failed with the onboard framebuffer; I conjecture that there's some
difference in where sync appears. A real Sun monitor works fine with
either; the adapter cable and the peecee monitor works only with the
cgsix (claiming 0KHz and 0Hz in its OSD when connected to the onboard
connector). I have seen at least one other case, with a different
adapter and monitor, which worked with the onboard framebuffer on a
different machine (IIRC it was an IPX, whereas, as I said, this one is
an LX). I don't know which of the differences were relevant.
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