Subject: Re: cg6 from an ss2 to ss5, ok?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/01/2002 16:58:06
On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, der Mouse wrote:

# First thing I would do is get out a vacuum and vacuum out all the dust
# grilles.

Recommend compressed air or a blower.

Q:  What's the difference between a belt-driven vacuum cleaner and a
    Van der Graaf static generator?

A:  Not much.  Don't use one to clean out your computer.

# Sounds as though cooling was insufficient, which to me says
# that either fans have gone out or things are clogged with dust.  If the
# machine hasn't been vacuumed out in the last year or two, my money
# would be on dust.
# > The cg6 sat in my old ss2 for years with no problem and then 1 day in
# > the new ss5 and kaboom.
# That's one reason I suspect cooling.

...on a cg6?

Cooling would have to be severely impaired (as in either nonexistant or
reversed) in order for a cg6 to fry.  Those things don't dissipate all
all that much heat!

NetBSD: penguin flesh never tasted so good.