Subject: Changes between 1.5.3 & 1.6...
To: port-sparc mailing list <>
From: Brad Knowles <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/12/2002 02:17:23
Hmm. Well, I can't use the floppy images from 1.6, because
they're broken. And I just found out that there was a change between
1.5.3 and 1.6, where sparc/binary/sets/kern.tgz is now gone and
replaced by three separate files named kern-GENERIC*.tgz.
Which means that you can't use the floppy images from 1.5.2 (and
presumably 1.5.3) to install 1.6, because kern.tgz doesn't exist
anymore (not even as a symlink to one of the other three files).
If we can't get the floppy images for 1.6 fixed, can we at least
get a symlink created so that we can use older floppy images to
install 1.6 instead of whatever version they were generated for?
Brad Knowles, <>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
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