Subject: Swissgerman keyboard layout on SS5
To: None <>
From: Simon Gerber <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/28/2002 10:29:13
Hello list
I'm new to NetBSD and have a problem with the keyboard layout settings.
I've installed a NetBSD 1.6 on a SS5 but I cannot change the keyboard
The default method from standard howto (wscons => wsconsctl -k -w
didn't work (neither with "de" layout).
He tells me:
wsconsctl: /dev/wskbd0: No such file or directory
But I don't know how to build that device
I googled, but was not sucessfull
But it have to work, or is it not possible to use wscons on ss5 with the
port sparc ?
I tougth about changing the kernel source to get to my layout needed, but
that's not the way it should be or is it?
Do I have to change /sys/dev/pckbc/wskbdmap_mfii.c file to my desired
keyboard layout ?
Please help a NetBSD greenhorn ?
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