Subject: Re: boot vs.
To: None <>
From: Bill Meahan <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/29/2003 18:32:39
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 18:02:54 -0500 (EST)
der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> wrote:

> > I am in this situation.  Friend has a Sparcstation SLC which used to
> > run NetBSD, but it got somewhat broken (don't know the cause) and
> > now if we try to boot BSD from disk, it prints only some error like
> > "Memory access not aligned", don't remember exactly.


Oddly, I just ran into something almost identical today. I have an SS2 I
put NBSD on and have been installing stuff and plyaing around with it
for several days without incident. Something happened overnight and now
it won't boot from the disk at all - just gives an error message that it
can't find the boot program. It boots fine from the net, can mount the
affected disk once booted and fsck seems normal. I used sysinst and
_thought_ I installed a new boot program by using the "Upgrade NetBSD on
Disk" choice (I "saw" binstall run - well, I saw it flash by on the
screen) but no joy.

Since it is just a playground machine, I shut it down and moved on to
other things, but it does bug me when something like this happens.
Though I've been around Unix for nearly 20 years, I'm quite new to BSD
so if I've missed something obvious, my apologies!
Bill Meahan  WA8TZG  /~\  The ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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   -- Robert Heinlein                    / \  Respect for open standards