Subject: Re: sparc kernel configuration tutoral?
To: Sean J. Schluntz <>
From: Koyote <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/31/2003 21:25:55
The paper, BTW, is excellent.
Alas, my luck compiling the 1.6 kernel isn't. After 5 tries, I've just
about gotten to the point where I will start with the whole generic
kernel and see if that compiles, then remove item by item.
On an LX, this should only take a few weeks. :)
Would anyone know if there might be some initial compiler configurations
I need to change to get a kernel to compile?
(and nope, I don't currently have any dumps of the errors. I'm starting
from scratch again :)
"Sean J. Schluntz" <> writes:
> >i haven't found anythign Sparc specific. i'm looking to mod the kernel on
> >my Sparc20 machine. does anyone know of a good tutorial/walk-through?
> Are you looking to just reconfigure and build a kernel or are you looking
> to code new stuff for one?
> If it's the first I've got a paper I wrote on the subject, working it
> in to some how-to's as time allows.
> -Sean