Subject: Re: Fw: Re: DNS and the entry of names.conf (newbie)
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/20/2003 18:10:40
On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 01:13:01PM +0200, Maurizio Caloro wrote:
> if i start now me dns
> netsun# named
use '/etc/rc.d/named start' instead.
> May 17 13:02:54 netsun named[201]: starting (/etc/named.conf). named 8.3.3-RELd
> May 17 13:02:55 netsun named[201]: not listening on any interfaces
> netsun# May 17 13:02:55 netsun named[202]: Ready to answer queries.
> May 17 13:02:55 netsun named[202]: check_hints: A records for J.ROOT-SERVERS.NE
> i dont know if it reale starts corectly
it is starting, but is not listening on any network ports. only the
local name control socket (/var/run/ndc)
> netsun# named
> May 17 13:08:04 netsun named[203]: starting (/etc/named.conf). named 8.3.3-RELd
> May 17 13:08:04 netsun named[203]: ctl_server: bind: /var/run/ndc: Address alree
> May 17 13:08:04 netsun named[203]: ctl_server: bind: /var/run/ndc: Address alree
> May 17 13:08:04 netsun named[203]: not listening on any interfaces
> netsun# May 17 13:08:04 netsun named[204]: Ready to answer queries.
> May 17 13:08:05 netsun named[204]: check_hints: A records for J.ROOT-SERVERS.NE
> netsun# hostname
> netsun
> netsun# host
> Host not found, try again.
> netsun#
looks like your named.conf file is not correct. you may need to add
allow-query or listen-on sections for your configuration. if you post
it here we can help.
Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
"It's not fast, but why not?" -- John Klos on VAX dnet client
"because it needlessly contributes to global warming?" -- Paul Vixie