Subject: ftp user account restriction
To: None <>
From: Maurizio Caloro <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/24/2003 17:20:39
Hello netbsd peoples
please i am prove to generate a new user for my ftp connetion
but i cant change the settings
now i have following,
also the ftp connection work fine but i have
no write access and i see to mutch
but i cant dowload it
>netsun# user info rene
>login rene
>passwd Zl6j4YGza9j2E
>uid 1001
>groups users guest
>change NEVER
>dir /home/rene
>shell /bin/csh
>expire NEVER
me end(ziel) its that i want only see the rene home dir with write and
del writes and no other dir trees
best regards
------> > > Maurizio Caloro
------> > > <>