Subject: phoenix/mozilla-firebird
To: None <>
From: Irvin Probst <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/25/2003 17:51:03
I tried to build the phoenix port last week on a SparcStation 2, it took
ages but it worked.
The problem is that the binary crashes immediately with a "Bus Error",
so it decided to setup a cross compiler on my PC from linux/i386 to
netbsd/sparc to speed up the build process and investigate this issue.
I downloaded a mozilla-firebird CVS snapshot, built it again with every
possible debugging option and then... "Bus Error" again and no usable
backtrace at all in gdb.
As I've heard that mozilla-firebird has a lot of issues like this one I
tried mozilla alone, once again "Bus Error" (still cross compiling),
right now I'm building mozilla with the debug flags set to 1 but I'm
almost sure that I'll get another "Bus Error" and almost nothing in gdb.
So my questions are, is there anybody here who was able to run
mozilla/mozilla-firebird/galeon/any_gecko_based_browser on a sun4c
netBSD box ? I browsed this mailing list archives for the 3 last months
and saw nothing about this.
And do you think that this Bus Error crash could be related to the
Weitek Powerup in this box ? I've heard that it fails sometimes with
netbsd/linux but I don't know if it's true or not, furthermore I've this
problem only with mozilla, the other binaries are working fine.

System specs: Sparcstation 2, 80 MHz weitek powerup, 64 MB, NetBSD 1.6.1

Irvin Probst
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary
and those who don't.