To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/09/2003 11:56:44
On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 09:33:24PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
| > The simple solution for you is to add an appropriate entry in your
| > dhcp server configuration.
| Not everyone can hack their own local DHCP server as easily as they
| might be able to run a rarpd and rpc.bootparamd on some machine they can
| control.
That is a bogus argument; if you can edit /etc/bootparams you can edit
/etc/dhcpd.conf, and the documentation and diagnostic information
available to install and debug dhcpd is FAR better than that which is
avilable for NetBSD's bootparamd.
| This "solution" (i.e. the current state of affairs) also requires that
| _everyone_ who wants to netboot a sparc with a stock GENERIC kernel must
| run all of rarpd, rcp.bootparamd, and dhcpd, and they must make sure to
| configure them all compatibly.
Wrong; rpc.bootparamd is not required by the current system.
I netboot alpha, i386, shark, sparc, sparc64 (as well as HP printers
and in the past NCD X-terminals and various vendors terminal servers),
and I don't have rpc.bootparamd enabled on my network; dhcpd, tftpd,
and for the sparc PROMs, rarpd, is all that I need.
(I only used to need bootparamd for the sparc boxes, where I found
it to be unreliable and annoying to debug.)
| This is a big departure for anyone accustomed only to ancient SunOS where
| rarpd and rpc.bootparamd are sufficient.
This is NetBSD, not ancient SunOS. We've made a conscious decision to
attempt to make the various NetBSD platforms be more consistent in the
way that they operate, including netbooting, where feasible.
[That's enough said by me on this topic; I'm not going to get further
embroiled into a classic "Greg Woods versus someone" email gabfest.]