Subject: Re: sparc station 5-170 (turbo sparc)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/12/2003 15:39:09
> Hmm... it shouldn't be that hard to make a Type 2 work on a modern
> box.


> As I recall, the 2/120(?) that I used to work on had a Type 2
> keyboard and mouse, but a Type 3 keyboard port.  Plugged into the
> port was a small box with a pair of RJ-11 jacks for the keyboard and
> mouse.  I assume that this box was either a connector adapter or, at
> worst, contained some small amount of logic.

Entirely passive, I think.

> Either way, that adapter combined with the 3->4 adapter derMouse
> mentioned should be enough to put a Type 2 on anything modern.

Right.  You could swap a type-3 with a type-2 (with connector adapter)
freely, so they are basically compatible.

I have a text file describing how to wire up adapters, and a PostScript
file drawing a prettier version of what the text file does with ascii
graphics.  I'll be happy to send either to anyone who wants 'em.

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