Subject: Re: RAIDFrame and NetBSD/sparc booting issues
To: None <>
From: Julian C. Dunn <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/11/2003 17:37:45
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 05:08, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

> Only the kernel.
> I've only one sparc running with raid. I did a hugly hack: I made
> sd0a (and sd1a) match the raid0a partition. This mean that I can mount
> the root partition with 3 different ways: raid0a, sd0a and sd1a.
> Of course you have to be very carefull not mounting more than one
> R/W !

Thanks for all your help guys. I ended up realizing that when the kernel
hits the RAIDFrame initialization segment it will remount any detected
RAID slices marked "root" as the root filesystem. This enabled me to
just put the netbsd.gz on sd0a (and sd1a) and away it goes.

This isn't the most elegant solution, naturally: if the kernel is
rebuilt it needs to be put in three places, and if the kernel grows
larger than the small (2440 sector) 4.2BSD partition on which it
resides, I am S.O.L. It's too bad the secondary bootblocks on
NetBSD/sparc don't know enough to read RAID partitions like they do on

And thanks to der Mouse for reminding me that the slice delimiter is ":"
not "/" -- no wonder my attempts to boot /sbus/esp@0,800000/sd@4,0/f
didn't work :-)

- Julian

[    Julian C. Dunn <> * <>    ]
[   WWW:  * PGP: 0xFDC205B9   ]
[      "sometimes you win, sometimes you lose / and most times      ]
[     you choose between the two" - carole king, "sweet seasons"    ]