Subject: Re: SS1+ Fun
To: Mauricio <>
From: Christian Smith <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/22/2003 14:20:20
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Mauricio wrote:

>	I am trying to install netbsd in my SS1+.  I am using a DEC 
>5000/25 as the rarpd/tftpd/nsfd server:
>Then, when I try to install netbsd in the SS1+, I get
>Is it trying to get the address from my router, which is also doing dhcp?

A very likely scenario. You can make sure using tcpdump on the DEC box to
check where the DHCP reply comes from, or check the address range
configured by the router's DHCP server. Your best bet is to use a single
DHCP server, so you really should disable the DHCP on your router and do
everything in one place.


"You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." -John Morley

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