Subject: Re: A small IPX hardware hack
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Matt Dainty <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/14/2003 00:17:06
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* Luke Mewburn <> [2003-11-13 23:42:33]:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 11:09:21PM +0000, Matt Dainty wrote:
>   | Hi,
>   |=20
>   | Just thought I'd show off the little framebuffer hack I did on my SSI=
>   | OBP a while ago:
>   |=20
>   |
>   |=20
>   | Don't get to see it much unless NetBSD crashes :-)
> That's cool.  Feel like documenting how you did it?
> Is it possible to script that from NetBSD (using eeprom(8) ???),
> or was it a lot of typing at the OBP prompt?

Hmm, not sure whether you could do it that way or not... has some vague instructions,
basically I followed the same instructions at , section 5.1 except I
manually searched a dump of the OBP instead, (the AMD27C020 chip).

First you find the supposed offset of the logo data, which claims to
begin with 0x64 0x64 0xff 0xff 0xff but in the case of the IPX 2.9 OBP I
think the 0xff's were 0xfe instead. If you think you've found it,
remember the offset, and confirm by pulling 10770 bytes out starting
from that offset, which can be converted back into a PPM quite easily,
(I have that program somewhere). If you get the Sun logo, you've got it.

All you need to do then is take a graphic of choice, 100x100 8-bit, and
convert into the necessary form and splice it into the dump overwriting
the original and burn to a new chip.

At least that's how I did it, as I said, I'm not sure if scripting with
eeprom(8) would be able to touch those bits.

I also have no idea if this works on anything other than a 2.9 IPX OBP.
My original fear was that there may be some checksum on the image, but
there doesn't appear to be.

"Accept anything. Then explain it your way."

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