Subject: Re: SS20/MP Watchdog Reset
To: NetBSD port-sparc mailing list <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/15/2004 18:18:15
> As another datapoint, my main screen-&-keyboard is a SS20 with a cg14,
> and I've never had such problems.
> Mind you, I do run a relatively old OS on it, but it does imply it's
> not a _hardware_ issue with the SS20+cg14 combination.
I think I started having problems about a year or so ago. I assumed that
it was a hardware problem with my machine (maybe overheating - it had 2
processors, 4 SBUS cards and 2 disks). It always seemed to die when using
X on the cg14, so I'd guessed that was at fault. It's only recently that
I've acquired another machine with a cg14 and come to the conclusion that
it's software (the other machine also dies when I use X on the cg14).
I'll see if I can get a meaningful backtrace - I haven't bothered looking
that often, becuase they are usually something like (most recent):
panic: kernel fault
Begin traceback...
0x0(0x1, 0x5375, 0xf0254df0, 0xf6dbfdf8, 0x0, 0xf0254df0) at 0xf0006254
0xf0006254(0x0, 0x0, 0x40000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) at netbsd:sys_obreak+0xb4
sys_obreak(0x0, 0xad0000, 0xf6dbff20, 0x0, 0xf6dbff28, 0x0) at netbsd:syscall+0xbc
syscall(0x11, 0xf6dbffb0, 0x10505fb0, 0x1, 0x3b5c00, 0x0) at 0xf00064ec
or just nothing at all.
My other computer also runs NetBSD / Sailing at Newbiggin /