Subject: SPARCStation 4 problems with 1.6.2 multi-1
To: None <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/30/2004 09:37:58
I tried to install 1.6.2 (can't wait for 2.0) on a SS4 using the multi-1 CD 
ISO image.  I keep getting errors.  The errors were either "short disk 
read" or something to the effect of "The file just loaded doesn't appear to 
be executable".  (I'm not at the system console at the moment)

This multi-1 CD was used to install 1.6.2 on a i386 platform so my guess is 
that the CD is ok

This SS4 was loaded from a 1.6 multi-1 CD so it appears that the SS4 can 
read the CD's I burn.

Is there a known problem with SS4's and the multi-1 CD ISO from 1.6.2?  I 
couldn't find anything relevant in the NetBSD web page or sparc 
archives.  Thanks

"Unix is user friendly, it's just | Steven Grunza
particular about with whom it     | voice:  (856) 787 - 2759
makes friends."                   | fax:    (856) 866 - 2033
  - Unknown                        |