Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/01/2004 15:21:03
Tillman: Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
Tillman: On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 04:04:39PM -0700, Greywolf wrote:
Tillman: > The IPX and the SS5/20 are, without a doubt, the BEST physical
Tillman: > engineering feats that Sun has pulled off.
Tillman: What is it about the SS10 that makes it less desireable, in your eyes?
Tillman: (I've never oned a 5 or 20 ...)

GAW: I don't know about Grewolf but I'd say the SS10 is, and always was, a
GAW: waste of good engineering and manufacturing effort.
GAW: The SS10 is almost an SS20 in most respects, but it is not nearly so
GAW: expandable, and yet the price difference was completely pointless (and
GAW: it still is on the used market today!).
GAW: If they'd have just put a tiny bit more effort into the SS20, and not
GAW: wasted any R&D money on the SS10, then the SS20 (and even the SS5) could
GAW: have been made somewhat more dynamic and with a less expensive low-end
GAW: configuration.
GAW: In any case at this point I'd only take an SS10 for free or very near to
GAW: it, but I'd still pay money (at the going rate :-) for a high-end SS5 or
GAW: most any decent SS20 (i.e. with reasonably fast CPUs and enough memory
GAW: to run as a web server or such).

Pretty much everything that can be said against the SS10 has been, but yeah:
- ss10 doesn't have provisions for an internal CD
- ss10 drive connections require the stupid grommeted screws that I could
  NEVER seem to find when I needed them

The ss5 isn't expandable in the CPU field, but that's okay -- it's much
easier to work on than a 10 if/when I need to do maintenance.  Those
slide-and-play drives make all the difference in the world.

I wouldn't mind a 20, but I don't know where I'd get 4 CPUs in excess
of 150MHz for one...

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