Subject: Re: What are you using port-sparc for?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/09/2004 23:06:42
>> Just an informal poll here...I just setup NetBSD 1.6.2 on my ss20
>> and am having fun setting it up. I'm curious what others are using
>> it for on this hardware...
Well, I'm using my 20 (304MB RAM, cgfourteen fb, ST218275LW disk) as my
house mailhost, FTP server, and my main screen-&-keyboard machine.
It's also what I think of as my home machine; that's where I put files
which have no particular reason to go anywhere else.
I'm using NetBSD/sparc on other machines too. There's my house gateway
box, which is an IPX with 16M RAM, a qec, and a disk of about 1G; this
machine is also the principal house NTP chimer. There's the house
diskless server (bootp, bootparamd, tftpd, nfsd, etc) which is an IPX
with 48M RAM and a fair bit of disk. I've got quite a pile of other
SPARCs, but nothing else that I use regularly at the moment. (At home.
I have a machine of my own on my desk at work - a 4 or a 5 or some
such, I forget details - but that's separate.)
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