Subject: Re: sysinst problems
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/03/2004 23:43:03
>> Outside of the fact that it used to work this way because of much
>> less malleable disklabels, how about the ability to pre-partition a
>> disk for different uses at different times?
> Don't try to use latent information in the same label as your memory
> for each of your partitioning options -- keep separate notes!
So, you want me to keep that information somewhere that is trivial to
get separated from the disk?
You don't know better than I do how I want my system run any more than
sysinst does.
> Since the output of disklabel can serve as its input it should be
> really easy to keep separate labels for different uses each in their
> own text file on some other disk that you're not re-partitioning,
There is not always any such disk connected. In some cases there may
not be any such disk available.
> As far as I can see there should not ever be any need for overlapping
> partitions
Either you are far more lacking in imagination and/or experience than
my past interactions with you have led me to believe, or you have a far
more stringent definition of "need" than I do.
I believe in letting the computer store information like disk
partitioning for me.
I believe in keeping that information with the disk it applies to, to
the extent feasible.
I believe in keeping that information in as computer-usable a form as
practical (ie, try to avoid human copying between media).
You apparently consider maintaining non-overlapping partitions to be
reason enough outweigh the inconvenience of keeping notes elsewhere.
I don't. We disagree. That doesn't make either of us wrong - not that
that necessarily says what TRT for sysinst to do is in this case.
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