Subject: Re: SPARCbook PCMCIA
To: Michael <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/11/2005 08:34:50
On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 01:40:45AM -0500, Michael wrote:
> - it tries to use 14 bytes  memory at 3e0 and 128 bytes IO at 0 - I'd expect it at IO 3e0.

You are thinking i386 probably ;-)

Both addresses are relative to the pcmcia window. The CIS tells you that
it would like to use 0x80 bytes of IO window space, 16 byte aligned, with 
16 bit access:

pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 1: I/O card; irq mask ffff; iomask 7, io
space 0-7f; io16 irqshare irqpulse irqlevel

Starting something at 0 is common & good for pcmcia cards.
