Subject: Re: SPARCbook PCMCIA
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Michael <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/11/2005 07:30:07
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> > - it tries to use 14 bytes  memory at 3e0 and 128 bytes IO at 0 - I'd expect it at IO 3e0.
> You are thinking i386 probably ;-)
Not really - I don't have a single x86 box here ;-) 
But this separation of memory and IO is certainly inherited from x86 and ultimately the 8080... the rationale behind my statement is this - early PCMCIA network cards were made to look like ISA cards hardware-wise. Since ISA decoded only 12 and later 16bit addresses you kept IO ranges small, that's why I'd expect the smaller range to be IO. Besides that the 3xx range is ( well, was... ) commonly used by network cards. On the other hand 14 bytes from 3e0 would interfere with a VGA card.

> Both addresses are relative to the pcmcia window. 
They're relative to different address windows. But I guess I'd get bus errors all over the place if the driver wouldn't hit /something/.

> The CIS tells you that it would like to use 0x80 bytes of IO window space, 16 byte aligned, with 
> 16 bit access:
> pcmcia0: function 0, config table entry 1: I/O card; irq mask ffff; iomask 7, io
> space 0-7f; io16 irqshare irqpulse irqlevel
> Starting something at 0 is common & good for pcmcia cards.
Ok, so access to configuration space seems to work as expected. I guess I'll just dump what the card driver thinks is its address range to see if there's something.

have fun

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