Subject: Re: SS20 + Dual Ross HyperSparc problem
To: Michael <>
From: Laurens Vets <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/16/2005 08:47:21
Michael wrote:
> Hello,
>>I have just installed NetBSD 2.0.2 on a SparcStation 20 with Dual 
>>HyperSparc 180 Mhz CPU's.  However, when I try to untar the 
>>pkgsrc.tar.gz tarball, my SS20 goes to the ok prompt with a "Level 15 
>>Interrupt".  Does anybody has any idea what might be going on?  Where 
>>might the problem be?  I'm new to NetBSD.
> Ouch. A level 15 interrupt can mean different things, almost all are
> rather unpleasant and point at hardware problems. So...
> - does the machine run properly under Solaris?
> - are the memory modules seated properly?
> - are the CPU modules seated properly?
> - does anything get too hot?
> - does it work with only one CPU?
> - did the SS20 come with these CPUs? If not - is the firmware new
> enough?

Seems my cg14 is broken :(  Removed it from the system and NetBSD is 
running rock solid for a couple of days now.  Thanks!
