Subject: Re: Isolating NMI/memory problem with old SPARCserver 20
To: None <earle@isolar.DynDNS.ORG>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/06/2005 23:52:12
>>> And, if so, how do I map it to the bad DIMM module?
>> Upgrade to a newer version of NetBSD? ;-)
> Its next "upgrade" will be to retirement, as soon as I
> move its functions over to my dual-450 Ultra 60. So that
> isn't really an option ...
as long as your dualie U60 will run NetBSD, this might take a while (SMP)...
>>> (Update: I just saw an old post to port-sparc from May 9th from
>>> Malte Dehling; he reported a similar error, but his log also
>>> shows a "module location: " identifier? Mine doesn't - is this
>>> a new reporting feature in NetBSD 2.0 or something?)
>> Yes. The code was added in revision 1.8 of memecc.c on 22 Mar 2004.
> So I'm a bit afraid that these 4 diffs won't just drop right in ...
> (I suppose I can try it and see, though)
>>> I've got 3 64 MB DIMMs (in banks 0, 1 and 5) for a total of 192 MB,
>>> so I could live without one of 'em temporarily ... what's weird is
>>> that I did a "test-memory" from the boot PROM (with "selftest-#megs?"
>>> set to all 192 MB) as well as booting in diag mode and having it test
>>> memory there as well, and it didn't hiccup on that address ...
>> It's not certain that the memory test in the prom is all that
>> thorough. It could also be heat-related, as someone else
>> commented.
> The odd thing about that (thanks for the suggestions, btw) is
> that the machine is in a small room with a window unit A/C,
> so theoretically it should never be getting all that hot.
> Thanks,
> - Greg