Subject: ELF loader for SparcEngine 1e?
To: None <>
From: Ivan Galkin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/08/2005 17:35:42
So I got myself a peculiar VME sparc board, SPARCengine 1e "Polaris".
This is an early Sparc v7, SPARCstation 1 in VME. It has SunOS 4.1e on it.
I would like to boot it diskless into RTEMS.
Well, the SunOS-provided boot loader chokes on the ELF boot images. It
can handle only a.out-sunos-big format.
I found a NetBSD boot .net in a.out-sunos-big. The plan is to use it for
secondary loading of my ELF image. actually starts up on 1e, gives a welcome message (NetBSD sparc
Secondary Boot revision 1.14), seems to be happy with BOOTP, and asks
which device to use and which image to load.
After I specify the image it checks BOOTP again, displays one liner:
102800+5212 [22304+19788] = 0x24c44
then displays a few characters of some gibberish and dies. It does not
look like it downloads the specified image itself, as there is no other
messages or counters with bytes downloaded (1MB image), and things
become quiet quickly.
Can anyone make sense of this? Was anyone successful in using NetBSD
loader on SPARCstation 1? Success stories of loading something to
SPARCengine 1e?
Many thanks for your insight.