Subject: Re: Newbie question
To: ltorres <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/10/2006 09:26:56
> Here it goes some newbie questions..., How can I change between ttys
> ? Normally is with ctl+alt+Fn correct??
"Normally" only on i386. sparc does not support anything of the sort
in 2.0; I've seen indications that people are trying to do something of
the sort now, but so far it's still totally experimental. As far as I
can recall nothing but i386 does that sort of thing.
> Where is located the Kernel on the NetBSD/sparc, so I can work with??
Usually /netbsd. Unless you mean the source, which is normally in
/usr/src/sys/. (Assuming you installed syssrc; if not, it's normally
not online.) All of these are the same as on any other port.
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