Subject: Re: Beautiful Sparc, take 2
To: None <>
From: Doom Warrior <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/04/2006 14:38:51
> SuperSPARC/SuperSPARC II were brainiacs, the HyperSPARC were speed
> daemons. highest speed for SuperSPARC II was 90MHz, and those were very
> rare.

that's not true, a HyperSparc and SuperSparc are nearly at the same
level. Only the huge L2 Cache of an SuperSparc is a advantage. I would
always perfer a HyperSparc.
Yes the SM85 is really rare and not supportet by sun for the
SS10/SS20. Of course they run out of the box but you will get into
overheating problems (especially in the SS20)