Subject: Re: Beautiful Sparc, Take 4
To: Magnus Svantesson <>
From: Christer O. Andersson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/07/2006 14:22:28
On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 01:10:21AM +0200, Magnus Svantesson wrote:
> Chris asked me if I connect through a NAT, proxy or firewall.
> But I connect through my ISP DHCP server. So consequently (?), I shouldn´t
> need to write anything in my /etc/hosts ?
I would be very surprised if your ISP has added sparc20 for you in
their DNS...
> I was again loking for any way of shutting down the IPV6-support, since the
> pkg_add command returned with what I understand is a IPV6 adress report.
> However, I couldn't find any way in rc.conf.
I am not sure how to turn off IPv6 support, but you really don't
need to. If the site isn't found via IPv6, ftp will try with IPv4
instead. Just make sure you use the correct path to and correct
name of the package you want to add. If memory serves, one of your
previous mails showed that IPv6 lookup failed, but IPv4 succeeded.
The path and name of the package was wrong though.
> So this is the weird thing; I can ping internet using www-adress, I can ping
> usin 123.456.123...-type adresses. I get my date set throgh the ntp=yes
> command in rc.conf (and ntp uses internet for communicating date-time
> info?).
> When I ping my hostname (sparc20 or sparc20.) I get: "cannot resolve
> "sparc20" (host name lookup failure)
> When I try pinging my Sparc answers perfectly.
> Ideas anyone?
Well which DNS server knows the address of sparc20, unless of course
the machine you ping from has sparc20 in it's hosts file? If you
dont't want to add sparc20 in your hosts file since you are on DHCP
from your ISP, try a reverse lookup on the ip your ISP gives you.
If you get a name from the reverse lookup, use that name instead
of sparc20. But it is likely to change, as well as the ip you get.
Or, you could set up your own DNS and be authoritative for your
local net and cache the internet.
Christer O. Andersson