Subject: Re: SparcStation 20 problem with NetBSD 3.0
To: Bruno Gallant <>
From: John Gould <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/12/2006 09:25:47
On Thu, 11 May 2006, Bruno Gallant wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been a FreeBSD user for many years, but my first try with
> NetBSD gives me some issues. I have an old SPARCstation 20 and tried
> to install 3.0 on it. Here are the things I noticed that was not
> working correctly:
> 1- The install script asked me if I wanted to configure the network,
> which I did, but it did not get configured.
> 2- I have no cursor! Pretty hard to configure stuff with vi like
> that. (I read somewhere that I would have to install the kernel
> sources and recompile. Makes senss, but see next problem)
> 3- sushi core dumps each time I want to configure things with it, or
> try to install a new package or the kernel sources.
> I am a bit lost, but I really want to learn.
> Thanks.
> --
> # Bruno Gallant - - -
> It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of
> Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the
> shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in
> motion.
Hello Bruno,
1) You can add a line to your rc.conf file post install to
configure the network, see for instance the install guide.
Something like this:-
ifconfig_le0="inet netmask"
See for instance:-
2) I have had problems with a SS20 (tgx+ framebuffer) and no console
cursor which was fixed by re-compiling the kernel with the cg6_ras_do_cursor
line removed.
See :-
3) sushi, well I know nothing about that, sorry! (Other than you eat it!)
Hope this helps...
Best regards John.