Subject: Re: scsi question with sparcstation.
To: Paul (NCC/CS). <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/20/2006 08:09:25
thus Paul (NCC/CS). spake:
> Andy Ball wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> PTS> Is there a limit on the type of scsi drive you can
>> > put into an SS5?
>> I have been told that the SPARCstation 5 SCSI bus is fast
>> (10 MHz), narrow (8-bit) and electrically single-ended. Any
>> drives that you add would need to be able to adapt to that
>> kind of bus.
> ok so if it's a more modern standard it won't work yeah?
if it's appropriately attached, it should work. i have a modern U160 HD
in my SS20, and it correctly downgrades itself to fast, narrow, SE SCSI.
Timo Schoeler | |
RISCworks -- Perfection is a powerful message
ISP | POWER & PowerPC afficinados | Networking, Security, BSD services
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