Subject: Re: LX builtin framebuffer woes
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/09/2006 04:25:43
> The 1MB cg6 I have here doesn't define any resolution-changing words,
> the other one has 4MB and goes up to 1600x1200.
I've got some half-dozen cg6s. Only one (a third-party clone) goes
above 1152x900, but a few of the others do have resolution words (for
1024x768 and I think others in some cases).
I guess I was too optimistic in assuming that if it advertised a given
resolution word it would do something at least vaguely sensible if I
used it. (A 4M cg14 on the SS20 at 1280x1024 doesn't work, of course,
but it doesn't wedge the machine; it just double-maps what RAM it has.)
I suppose I should ring up MemoryX and see about getting myself one -
or two, more likely, one for each machine, to save on shipping.
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