Subject: Re: LX keyboard trouble?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/18/2007 08:35:35
>> (I can use keyboard! to make it take input from the keyboard, but it
>> still doesn't enable video output from the framebuffer - it may well
>> be sending output there that I just can't see, but that's not much
>> use.)
> Do you ever think of the possibility that your monitor doesn't
> support 1280 x 1024 @ 67
No, I didn't. But I also tried telling the LX to run at 1152x900, and
it still didn't work - and the same flatscreen works fine on the SS5 at
1152x900, at 66Hz according to the screen's OSD. I haven't checked the
vertical refresh rate from the LX at 1152x900; I should do that (and
will - I just can't do it here).
However, with diag-switch? set to true, I get the "$$$$$ No Keyboard
Detected $$$$$" line (that may not be an exact quote; it's from memory)
on power-up, so I suspect it's not just a failure to display an
otherwise fully-working setup.
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