Subject: RE: Nice WM for SPARCclassic
To: Ganimede <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/19/2007 16:39:59
On 19-Mar-2007 Ganimede wrote:
> What is your favoirte Window Manager for SPARC Vintage
> station ? I look for a nice and not-heavy wm for my
> SPARCclassic.
I use fvwm2 on my sparc with 8bit color. If you spend a little time fiddling
with the config, you can get a very featureful and colorful setup and only use
about 20-30 colors. I seem to recall that one of the things I did was set it
all up, pick all the xpms I wanted to use, and then I ran a
colormap-set-reducing script on them. Something from netpbm IIRC. Basically
it looks at all the icons in a group, picks a number of colors, say, 16, and
makes all the icons use those 16 colors. It does a remarkable job without
distorting the icons.
Fvwm2 is also not too heavy on the ram side of things. Another good idea is to
replace your xterms with rxvt. If you are *really* crunched on ram, the
original fvwm uses about half what fvwm2 does.
Tim Rightnour <>
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