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Re: Volume control buttons

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Michael Lorenz wrote:

        I'd prefer the default to be left with PMF events and require a
        command to request keycodes to be delivered, so the majority of
        users who do not customise their X config still get working
        volume keys.

Yeah, people who remap keycodes in X can also put some sysctl -w whatever into .xinitrc ;)

        In an ideal world it would be nice for the volume buttons to
        work when the user logs out (or switches virtual console away from
        X), which is why I suggested some sort of pmf listener which could
        run during the X session and intercept the events.

        However thats very much a "wouldn't it be nice if it also did...",
        just having the buttons work out of the box is the massive win
        here :)

        I'll try not to mention the various volume keys I've seen on
        generic USB keyboards :)

                David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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