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Free Sun SPARC CPUs in Silicon Valley, USA

I've got a few Sun SPARC CPUs for any NetBSD folks to use:

  - Sun 501-2270:  Sun SM41 SuperSPARC module, 40MHz

  - Sun 501-2708:  Sun SM50 SuperSPARC module, 50MHz
  - Sun 501-2708:  Sun SM50 SuperSPARC module, 50MHz

  - Sun 501-2353:  Sun SM51-2 SuperSPARC module, 50MHz

  - Sun 501-2769:  Sun SM61 SuperSPARC module, 60MHz

  - Sun 501-2825:  Sun SM61 SuperSPARC module, 60MHz

  - Sun 501-2520:  Sun SM71 SuperSPARC II module, 75MHz

  - Sun 501-2925:  Sun SM71 SuperSPARC II module, 75MHz

  - Sun 501-3001:  Sun SM71 SuperSPARC II module, 75MHz

  - Ross 511-6423:  Sun SM71 SuperSPARC II module, 75MHz

I believe they're all working but I have no way to test -- most were
adopted from a friend who cleaned out a closet before moving.

The CPUs are located in Sunnyvale, California, USA.  I estimate it
would cost around US$5-10 to ship any small boxes of them inside the
USA, but I only ask for exact shipping in return -- if it's less, so
much the better ;-) and local pickups are also welcome.

Anyone wanting the whole lot is welcome too.

Please give this stuff a good NetBSD home!


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