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re: partially working SMP again

      > An easy check is to add this at the end of pmap_bootstrap4m:
      >         if (curcpu()->ci_self != cpus[0])
      >                 panic("cpuinfo inconsistent");
      This test fails on my SS20MP.
      Using PMAP_NC on remapping cpuinfo_data and removing SRMMU_PG_C
      on CPUINFO_VA mappings seems to fix the inconsistency (alias problem?),
      though it still fails later:
   hmm.. what about removing the cache bit on the rest of the
   cpuinfo_data mappings?  the ones from cpuinfo_data + cpuinfo_len
   to cpuinfo_data + (cpuinfo_len * (sparc_ncpus-1)).

so i've spent a while looking at this just now.  the above should
really read "sparc_ncpus" without the -1.

i still haven't gotten this working.  i have gotten it to the
point where interrupts are enabled and it looks like cpu0_info->
intreg_4m is NULL, which is a symptom of failed flushes or so.


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