BERTRAND Joel schrieb:
Frank Wißmann a écrit :Hi, all! After having got lots of help with my last problem, at first I like to thank you all. Here is a new one. I have bought some new SCA disks which are not recognized by my SS5 and the "probe-scsi-all"-command. It seems not to be possible that all four disks used are broken. How can I verify this? Or how can I test if the SCSI-Controller of the SS5 is broken?Do you have a CDROM unit to test ? Is your chain terminated ? If your chain is terminated, I believe that your ESP chip is broken :-(
Well, when I test it the cdrom device shows up with unit number 6 and that is OK. At first the bus wasn't terminated correctly but I changed that andit comes up with the same results. So what does this mean? Shall I throw it away? I have no other device to test the disks.
Greetings Frank --GU d- s:+ a+ C+>$ UBS>$ P L- !E--- W N+@ !o K--? !w--- O !M- !V- PS+ PE Y? !PGP- t+ 5 X !R tv- b++ DI !D G e h+ r- y?
When pack meets pack in the jungle and no one will move from the trail wait till the leaders have spoken it may be fair words shall prevail (Rudyard Kipling)